
I am a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and EMDR Europe Accredited Clinical Supervisor/Consultant.

I run a private practice with consulting rooms in Hitchin, Hertfordshire and also see clients online. I offer supervision to EMDR therapists and therapists from other modalities. I have many years’ experience working for the NHS and these days I work with the NHS through my role as an Associate Clinical Tutor on the Clinical Doctorate training course at Royal Holloway, University of London.

Drawing on effective psychological therapy approaches, including CBT and EMDR, I can help you to overcome the issues that have brought you to therapy and help you live a more fulfilling and stable life.

In our sessions, I will help you to make sense of your current difficulties, better understand factors that might be influencing or causing them, resolve underlying patterns, and learn tools and techniques to empower you to cope more effectively.

We all have the resources within us to help improve how we feel; we sometimes just need a little help to find them and put them into practice effectively.

Please note that I do not have space to take on new clients or supervisees at present.

I have a waiting list for my EMDR supervision groups.



CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) makes links between how we think about a situation (Cognitions) and how this affects the way we act (Behaviours), and in turn how our responses can affect how we think and feel. The aim of CBT is to help you to start to notice unhelpful thoughts and thought patterns that cause you distress, then consider alternative thoughts and perspectives, and help you identify helpful and effective responses to situations for a better outcome.


DBT is a therapy that has been shown to help people who struggle to manage their emotions. It involves learning DBT-based skills including: learning to tolerate and manage distress without being self-destructive; learning to disengage from unhelpful thoughts and feelings; learning to maintain stability in your moods overall; and learning about how to have healthy relationships and be assertive. Mindfulness is a key component of DBT.


EMDR is an effective therapy that helps people to overcome traumatic experiences through the use of stabilising techniques and eye movements to help process trauma (similar to those occurring in REM sleep). The aim of EMDR therapy is to aid our brain to rapidly make connections that help us heal past traumas and stop re-experiencing the associated distress. This helps us move forward in life, without being held back by emotion tied in to past experiences.


Mindfulness is a type of meditation practice that trains the mind to focus on the present moment. It has an increasing evidence base for reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, stress, and helping people respond to their moods in healthier ways. In mindfulness practice, there is a conscious and deliberate focus on our breath, physical sensations, or other sensory experiences. It helps us to focus on what is most beneficial to us in the moment and return to difficult thoughts and feelings with a fresh perspective.